Recipes – Own The Grill Ordinary People, Extraordinary Food Mon, 26 Aug 2024 09:51:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Recipes – Own The Grill 32 32 177643830 Brisket Injection Recipe & How To Guide Thu, 02 Jan 2020 23:42:50 +0000 I was born and raised in Texas, where brisket is almost a […]

The post Brisket Injection Recipe & How To Guide appeared first on Own The Grill.

I was born and raised in Texas, where brisket is almost a way of life.  When it comes to brisket, I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been pretty spoiled and have access to some of the world’s finest.

It’s easy to take for granted that brisket actually comes from the muscular chest area of the animal, which gets worked hard and carries a lot of weight.  Because of that, it’s actually a pretty tough cut of meat to work with.  If you aren’t careful with how you prepare a brisket, you could easily end up with dry and tough results.

One of the ways you can increase the moisture levels and tenderness of your cut is by using a brisket injection recipe.  Brisket injection is actually pretty easy, and can most definitely lead to more tender and juicy BBQ brisket vs only using a dry rub.

In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to know for how to do a beef brisket injection.  After that, we’ll share a few different brisket injection recipe ideas and go over some FAQ about the process!

Brisket Injection – What Is It?

Brisket injection is a way to infuse flavors, seasoning, and other nutrients deep into the core of the beef.  It’s a way to distribute flavor and moisture across the entire cut of meat, as opposed to just the outer portion that’s seasoned with a traditional brisket rub (but you should do that too!).

Remember, brisket is typically cooked low and slow – it will be on the smoker for a long time.  So the extra moisture that comes from injection helps for it to remain juicy, tender, and moist as the smoking process plays itself out.

Injecting meats is a practice that is fairly common, and the basic principles apply to lots of different meats – not just brisket.  Ham, turkey, and pork are some other common meats that are prime candidates for injection to name a few.

Brisket injection is equal parts art and science.  There are a few things about the injection process and technique that are pretty unanimously agreed upon in the cooking community.

Some other things have a little more opportunity for variation and personal preference – like which recipe to use, or how long before cooking you should do the actual injection.

As we give our brisket injection recipe and tips, we’ll be sure to point out which is which.  Now let’s get into the how of brisket injection!

Brisket Injection – How To

Things You’ll Need

If you’re going to get the job done right, you’ll need to make sure you have the correct equipment.  Thankfully, you won’t need to break the bank to get everything you need.

First, you’ll need a quality meat injector.  Stainless steel is the ideal material of choice because it is sturdy, long lasting, and won’t retain flavors or smells after the fact like plastic injectors tend to do.

For home use, you just need a syringe style injector.  As far as the needle size goes, you’ll want to make sure you get something big enough to handle your injection liquid of choice.

If you plan on injection recipes that have pepper, herbs, or other sediments – a thicker needle will probably be necessary.  Or, if the consistency of your injection fluid is more pasty – a thicker needle is the right call.

Many kits on the market come in packs with multiple needles to handle different needs.  Each needle for injection should have a sharp tip with multiple holes on the side of the needle where the liquid gets distributed throughout your meat.

You’ll also want to make sure your injector holds 2 ounces of fluid or more.  Anything less than that will cause for you to spend too much time refilling!

The second piece of equipment you’ll need is a bowl or large vessel to contain the injection fluid.  It should be big or deep enough to accommodate your injector’s needle easily.  I’ve also seen people use a tall drinking glass for this part.

Last, you’ll need a workspace you don’t mind getting messy.  For some that could mean a countertop.  If you have an extra large pan that can contain the juices, that works too.  Brisket injection gets pretty messy, and you can 100% count on some sort of juice clean up process after the fact.

Injection Overview

Remember, the overall purpose of brisket injection is to add moisture and flavor to the insides of your cut.

It’s important at this point to quickly note the two main sections of a brisket.  The “Flat” of a brisket has more meat, is lean, and has relatively little fat.  The “Point” (or Deckle) of a brisket on the other hand has more fat.

As far as moisture goes, the most benefit will be seen in the leaner brisket flat portion of your brisket.  By nature, the lack of fat means there will be less moisture and tenderness in the flat.  This will probably be the most beneficial area to inject because it will enhance both moisture and flavor.

The point portion of a brisket will also be enhanced by injection.  But it’s less of a benefit in terms of moisture as the fatty part of a brisket typically stays pretty moist.  It’s more for flavoring when it comes to the point.

It’s also worth pointing out that this article assumes you’ve already trimmed your brisket.  If you need some guidance on how to trim a brisket, check out this article before you get started.

Step by Step Guide

The goal is to completely and evenly inject your brisket.  The best way to do this is by utilizing a checkerboard pattern of injections across your meat – on both the brisket point and/or the flat.

  1. Fill your injector with your injection fluid.
  2. Puncture the brisket with your injector’s needle between fibers.  Be sure to puncture with your needle at a slight angle, not perpendicular to the meat.  There’s some debate on whether it’s better to inject against or with the grain.  Personally, I think it’s better to inject with the grain, but it’s completely up to you to experiment with this.
  3. Press the plunger of your injector as you withdraw your needle.  Press the plunger too hard and the liquid will squirt everywhere.  You also don’t want to inject too much into one spot – if liquid begins to pour out you’ve done too much.  You’ll get the hang of this part with some practice.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 in a 1-2 inch checkerboard pattern across your entire brisket.  Refill your injector with fluid as needed.
  5. Clean up any liquid that is leftover once done.  And I can promise you, there will be!  It’s just the nature of the beast when it comes to any brisket injection recipe.

What Goes Into Brisket Injection Fluid?

A brisket injection recipe can be a plethora of different flavors, consistencies, and styles.  Part of the fun is experimenting and figuring out what you like best in your recipe.

With that said, there are quite a few ingredients that are pretty common.  You’ll see these staples as a base or component of almost any brisket injection recipe.

  • Butter and/or Olive Oil – we mentioned earlier that part of the purpose of all of this is to add moisture to your brisket.  Melted butter and olive oil are both commonly used in lots of recipes to soften things up and add that extra moisture to your meat.
  • Beef Stock or Broth – is probably the most common ingredient found in any brisket injection recipe.  You can actually inject either on it’s own without anything extra and still achieve nice results.  Beef stock and broth intensifies the beefy flavor and adds moisture to your meat.
  • Various Types of Alcohol – whether it’s beer or distilled spirits, you’ll very commonly find alcohol as elements in various recipes.  Alcohol is added purely as a flavor compliment to your brisket and is incredibly delicious when used properly.  Think about it, there are hardly better pairings than beer or whiskey and BBQ!
  • Worcestershire Sauce –  the more I’ve learned about cooking, the more impressed I am with the versatility of Worcestershire sauce.  It’s a fermented liquid condiment that is savory, sweet, a little vinegary, and a definite value add to almost any injection project.
  • Fruit Juices – apple juice and pineapple juice in particular I’ve seen in multiple recipes.  Both of these fruit juices have properties that seriously tenderize meat (which is why they’re also staples in smoked ham injection recipes).  You need to make sure that your brisket doesn’t sit longer than 4 hours after injection if your recipe includes any fruit juices.

Some of you might have used other ingredients for your brisket injection recipe.  The ones we’ve listed above are just the staples.  At the end of the day, it’s all about flavor and your personal preference – so you should try something else out if it looks good and if it will be beneficial in the cooking process.

I’ll also add that you can most definitely add seasonings, herbs, or other solids to your solution.  Just remember that your fluid will end up exiting the needle through fine holes, and everything must fit and flow well!  Otherwise you’ll be set back quite a bit with time and headache associated with cleaning and unclogging.

Where possible, ground solids into very fine powders, or at least put some extra effort into getting them into the smallest pieces that you can.

Best Brisket Injection Recipes

In no particular order, here are 5 of the best recipes for you to try at home!

Malcom Reed Brisket Injection Recipe


Our first recipe is simple, super easy to make, and a perfect compliment to your brisket.


  • 1 Tsp Beef Base
  • 1 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 Tbsp Soy Sauce
  • 2 Cups Water
  • 1 Tsp Kosher Salt


Warm the water in a small pot or sauce pan.  Add the beef base and whisk until combined.  Then, add the rest of the ingredients and whisk those in.  Once combined, remove the pot from the heat and allow to cool completely.  From there, you’re ready to inject.

Butcher BBQ Prime Barbecue Brisket Injection

If you want to keep things easy and trust the professionals, then give the Butcher BBQ Prime Barbecue Brisket Injection recipe a try.  It couldn’t be simpler and the pre made combination is delicious.


  • 3 Scoops of Butcher BBQ Prime Barbecue Brisket Injection
  • 2 Cups Water or Beef Broth (Depending on Your Flavor Preference)


Mix the 3 scoops and water or beef broth in a bowl, and stir to combine.  That’s it!

Savory Beef Stock Brisket Flat Injection Recipe



  • 2 Cups Kitchen Basic’s Beef Stock
  • 1/4 Tsp Thyme
  • 1/2 Tsp Rosemary
  • 3 Cloves Coarsely Chopped Garlic
  • Pepper to Taste
  • 1 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 Bay Leave

This recipe is designed specifically for the flat portion of the brisket, although it would be fine to use on the point too!

The concoction is actually prepared and then refrigerated overnight too, so plan ahead if this is the one you want to try.


Pour beef stock into a pot.  Next add all of the other ingredients.  Turn heat on high, and stir contents of the pot occasionally until the solution reaches a boil.  Once it reaches boiling temperature, reduce heat to simmer.  Simmer for 1 hour, removing the bay leaf after 20 minutes.  Remove from heat and allow to cool after the 1 hour simmer.  Strain the liquid stock into a container, then cover and refrigerate overnight.  Use as your injection the following day!

Sweet and Savory


  • 2 Cups Beef Broth
  • 2 Tbsp Black Pepper – Freshly Ground
  • 1 Tbsp Onion Powder
  • 1 Tsp Kosher Salt
  • 2 Tsp Brown Sugar


This one’s pretty straightforward too.  All you have to do is combine all of these ingredients in a bowl.  Stir until completely combined, and voila, you are ready to inject!

Beef Marinade Injection


  • 2 Cups Beef Broth
  • 2 Beef Bouillon Cubes
  • 2 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce


Place beef broth in a pot, and set heat to high.  Add beef bouillon cubes and Worcestershire sauce.  Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer for 10 minutes.  Remove from heat and allow to cool completely.  It’s ready for use after it has cooled.

Brisket Injection FAQ

Injecting a brisket can seem like quite the overwhelming process if you’ve never done it before.  Naturally, you might have a few questions that weren’t answered so far in this post.  In this section, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions about brisket injection.

Marinade vs Injection – What’s the Difference?

Marination is a process that happens on the surface of your beef.  While the flavoring will certainly soak in, it will only do so to a point.  With marination, only the outer most portion of your brisket will absorb flavors and moisture.

This unfortunately leaves the bulk of the meat without any flavor or moisture enhancements.  The problem result that often comes from a marinade is a delicious outer bark with a less than stellar inside of the brisket.

Injection on the other hand gets flavor and moisture deep into the inners of the brisket.  When done properly, the entire brisket will have a flavor and moisture enhancement that will immensely help the pit master create a BBQ masterpiece.

Do Professionals/Restaurants Inject Their Briskets?

The answer to this question depends completely on the individual chef.  It’s totally personal preference.

I mentioned earlier that I’m from Texas.  More specifically I grew up in Austin, Texas and for those of you BBQ gurus out there – you’ll know that Austin is also home to Franklin BBQ.  Franklin has arguably the best beef brisket on the planet, and I can tell you from experience that’s not an exaggeration!

You’ll notice in that video that nowhere does Aaron Franklin inject or even mention injecting his brisket.  He simply goes with a rub on the outside and uses a spray to keep the brisket moist while it cooks – he also wraps his brisket in pink butcher paper to achieve a bark and keep the insides moist simultaneously.

On the other hand, you have an award winning pit master like Malcom Reed who always injects his competition briskets.

Those are just two easy examples – but the point is that it’s different strokes for different folks.  There is no one dead set way of doing things.  At the end of the day, the goal is to make sure your brisket tastes delicious and has enough moisture to cook properly.  As long as that is all happening, you can’t go wrong.

How Much Injection Should I Use?

Meat is already almost fully saturated with water, so you really shouldn’t need a ton of fluid.  A good rule of thumb is to prepare 1 ounce of injection recipe for every pound of brisket you have.

How Long Before Cooking Should I Inject My Brisket?

This also largely comes down to personal preference.  Some folks prefer to inject a brisket and let it rest overnight.  Personally, I don’t think letting an injection sit for a long period of time gets you much.  Part of the appeal of using an injection is that it’s almost instantaneous moisture and flavor addition.

Also, if you’ve used some more acidic ingredients like apple or pineapple juice, you don’t want to let the meat sit for more than a couple of hours.  Anything longer you’ll run the risk of breaking down and ruining your meat.

So, it doesn’t necessarily matter how far in advance you inject – but I’m unsure that there’s any benefit to doing it more than an hour or two before cooking.

Can I Also Season My Brisket?

Yes!  You most definitely should also season your brisket in addition to using an injection.  Proper seasoning is key for a couple of reasons.

First and most obviously, seasoning the outside of your brisket with a rub will enhance the flavor.  Everything that we do with a brisket is done with the goal of complimenting and enhancing the meat, and a rub seasoning is a key part of this.

Second, a good rub seasoning will lead to that signature, crispy bark on the outside of your brisket when everything is done properly.

Feel free to use your rub of choice or keep it simple with a 1 to 1 mix of salt and pepper.

Are Pre Made Brisket Injections OK To Use?

Absolutely.  In fact, pre made commercial brisket injections are often just as good as what you could make yourself at home, and they are much more convenient.  The “catch” is that on a price per ounce basis, you’ll pay a little bit more for the commercial stuff.

You can find most reputable pre made powder brisket injections in your local grocery store or online at places like Amazon.

Here’s a list of our favorite commercial brisket injections:

Plastic Injector vs Stainless Steel vs Injector Gun – Which Should I Get?

The answer to this question comes down to your budget and how often you think you’ll be injecting meat.

Right off the bat, I’ll tell you that you should not get a plastic injector.  They are usually cheaply made, and are prone to absorbing flavor over time.  The flavors and smells will begin to contaminate future foods you wish to inject.

Stainless steel meat injectors aren’t much more expensive and frankly are way higher in quality.  They are easier to keep clean and won’t ever absorb flavors over time.  Most come with all of the necessary accessories and interchangeable needles.

Injector guns are the most expensive, and the highest quality when it comes to meat injectors.  Most injector guns have extra features – like the ability to choose how much liquid to release on each pull.  As you’d expect, a well made injector gun should last you a lifetime.

Wrap Up

Now you’ve got the how and why when it comes to injecting brisket!  It’s up to you from here to go and try it out for yourself and see what your results are like.

Remember, just try to keep things simple.  At the end of the day, the goal is to compliment and enhance the flavor of your brisket.  We aren’t reinventing the wheel.  In fact, many successful chefs make delicious brisket without using an injection recipe at all!

Let us know how it went in the comments section below.  Did we miss something in this post?  Let us know about that in the comments section below too.

If you’re short on time but still want BBQ brisket for your next cookout, check out our hot and fast brisket recipe next!

The post Brisket Injection Recipe & How To Guide appeared first on Own The Grill.

Picanha Steak – What Is It? Our Recipe, and The 3 Best Ways to Cook It Mon, 31 Aug 2020 16:52:07 +0000 (The above photo is of a beautiful Picanha steak that Certified Piedmontese […]

The post Picanha Steak – What Is It? Our Recipe, and The 3 Best Ways to Cook It appeared first on Own The Grill.

(The above photo is of a beautiful Picanha steak that Certified Piedmontese was kind enough to send to me!)

Steak is a meal that you pretty much cannot go wrong with. There are multiple cuts of steak and you can select whatever you prefer. There are special ways to cook some of the different cuts and there are even cultural differences for preparing them.

One specialty steak worth taking a closer look at is the picanha steak. This cut of beef is very popular in Brazil but it is flavorful and delicious. In the U.S. you might know of this steak as a rump cap. You might even be enjoying it when you eat things like round steak or the loin, it’s just cut differently by the butcher.

You may have never heard of picanha steak. Or maybe you heard the name and it piqued your curiosity! That’s why we’re here! In this guide, we will share with you just what picanha steak is and provide you with a few different ways for how you can cook it as well.

By the time we’re finished, you will be well prepared and ready to cook this delicious steak at home!

What is Picanha Steak?

Picanha steak is the most popular in Brazil. In fact, in Brazil is one of the favorite cuts of meat to cook. This cut comes straight from the top of the round of the cow. It has a layer of fat over it and that fat is left intact until the steak is cooked and served. In Brazil, the fat is left on the steak. In the U.S. the fat is often removed.

You may also know of this cut as a top sirloin cap or a rump cap. Many butchers cut it differently based on the preferences of the location and culture for which it is being cut. When you hear these names, you should know that the top sirloin as well as the tri tip are not the same as the picanha.

Tri tip is often considered to the most similar or perhaps the best substitute but it truly is a different cut. The flavor is pretty similar to sirloin. The fat on the meat makes it incredibly tender and juicy.

Picanha is highly-sought after because it has a lot of natural flavor. When you look at the meat, there is very little fat inside of the meat itself.

This meat can be challenging to cook. Since there is little fat in the meat, it can be challenging to cook it just right and not find yourself with a tough piece of steak when you’re finished. The good news is if you know how to cook it properly you probably won’t mess it up!

You can cook picanha on the grill. This is our preferred method. You can also cook it in the oven using a slow-roast method. If you do cook it in the oven, we recommend searing it first for the best results and look. You could also use your stovetop, griddle, or flat top grill as well.

We will get into each of these methods individually for you.

How to Cook Picanha Steak on the Grill

If you want the very best option, we recommend that you cook this steak on the grill. It is the most flavorful way to cook it and it really doesn’t take all that long to cook to perfection. With the grill, you get the best flavor plus you get those grill marks and color that you simply can’t mimic with other cooking forms.

There are different methods to follow when you use picanha steak for skewers rather than using them for steaks. Both of these are cooking on the grill for the best results but we will share the differences shortly.

Steak Grilling Method

If you have a picanha cut of meat, you may need to slice it into steaks. It all depends on what you ordered from the butcher. As you are trimming, leave the fat cap in place. This is where the flavor comes from during cooking. You can always trim the fat off when the cooking is completed.

This meat requires very little seasoning. It is flavorful on its own. Season it as you like but we recommend just a light layer of salt and pepper. You can season after you’ve cut the steaks for the easiest route. You can score the fat cap if you prefer.

To cut your steaks, be sure to slice with the grain. This cuts your steaks properly to prepare for cutting into your steak when they are finished and you are ready to eat them!

We are going to walk you through a basic grilling process but be aware that you can also prepare these sous vide or with a reverse-sear method if you prefer.

Here are our grilling instructions for a steak cut:

  1. Oil your grill grates. You can rub them with the fat cap or you can use a light oil. This will help prevent sticking
  2. Heat up your grill as appropriate. You will want it set to a high temperature, probably somewhere near 475 – 500 degrees.
  3. Start by cooking the steaks with the fat side up. You will let it cook to a seared color. Be careful not to overcook it. You should plan to turn the steaks every 5-7 minutes.
  4. Once the bottom is cooked, turn it and cook each of the sides for similar time frames.
  5. Finally, finish the cooking with the fat side down. You will want to move it away from the direct flame.
  6. Let steaks rest for about 10 minutes before serving them.

Again, be careful not to overcook. Even if you prefer well-done steak, we recommend not cooking past medium doneness. This is because the steak is meant to be lightly cooked and juicy. This is what makes it so delicious and flavorful!

Skewer Grilling Method

Many people like to cook picanha on a skewer. You can skewer just the picanha or you can skew it with your choice of vegetables and such.

Use a long, fully metal skewer capable of placement on a grill for this task. If you are going to skewer the picanha, it will need to be cut differently than you cut the steaks.

Great for Picanha
16.8" Flat Metal Kebab Skewers - 12 Pack
  • Designed for use on high heat grills
  • Long and sturdy enough for Picanha
Check Price on Amazon

Skewering picanha is normal and it is often cut in large pieces and then folded and skewered for cooking. When you skewer picanha, you are most likely just skewering the meat for cooking.

To cut for skewering, take the picanha and cut it into 3 equally-sized pieces (or as close as you can get). You will cut against the grain for this method – and any chef’s knife will do. We still recommend that you score the fat to really let it soak into the meat.

You can add your seasoning before you cut it or after you skewer it. We recommend waiting until you skewer it so you’re not rubbing off any seasoning while cutting. Just like with the steaks, we recommend a simple salt and pepper for seasoning purposes.

  1. Take the cut slices and fold each section in half. You will fold with the fat side facing out. Once folded, place each piece on the skewer, going through the fatty exterior layer from your fold. Season if needed.
  2. Prepare your grill grates with a light amount of oil to prevent sticking. You will preheat your grill to high heat of 450°F. When you are ready to place the skewers on the grill, you will want to reduce the heat of the burners nearest the steak or turn off the front burners and leave only the back burners on while placing the skewers near the front.
  3. Place the skewers on the grill away from the direct high heat. Close the lid and cook the skewers for about 20-25 minutes total. You will need to flip the skewers every 5-7 minutes to allow them to cook evenly. There is no special directional placement for skewers.
  4. Cook to desired doneness and remove from the grill. Let the skewers rest for about 10 minutes before serving. If you want to slice them, you will slice against the grain for serving purposes.

Again, we recommend only cooking to about medium rare or medium at the maximum. If you prefer well-done steaks, give medium a try and see how you like it! Medium rare is 128 to 130 degrees internally measured with a probe thermometer.

Here’s a great video outlining the process for preparing delicious picanha skewers:

Expert Tip: Many people think they can just cut right into the meat without resting it. They assume that it’s still rested before it is served so it’s sufficient. The trick is to rest the meat for 5-10 minutes BEFORE you cut into it.

The resting period is one of the most important steps in the process. It allows the muscle fibers in the meat to fully relax, which means your steak will be juicier, more tender, and more flavorful when you serve it.

In Brazil, picanha is served with the fat but you can cut it off if you prefer not to have fat on the meat you are eating. Just don’t cut it off until you’re serving it!

Slow-Roasting Picanha in the Oven

To really get the most of the flavor, we recommend a slow-roast method if you cook picanha in the oven. You can also sear and then bake as well if you like that grilling look and want to maintain the exterior appearance of the steak.

This process will walk you through how you can slow roast your picanha and have a delicious meal. While grilling only takes about 30 minutes of cooking time, this process is more likely to take 2-3 hours

This method does include some pre-searing steps because we really feel like this is the best way to draw out the flavor and get the juicy, perfectly cooked picanha you’re after. You won’t need to cut the steak in this method until you’re ready to serve it.

You can roast potatoes with it as well if you want to. They make a really nice side dish to accompany the meat.

Here are our steps for slow-roasting picanha in the oven.

  1. Prepare your beef ahead with seasoning or marinade to your tastes. Cooking in the oven, you may want to use a marinade to help keep it tender and juicy but picanha does not require heavy seasoning as the fat makes it naturally juicy and flavorful.
  2. Let the picanha come to room temperature.
  3. Heat a pan to medium heat. If you did not use a marinade, we recommend adding some butter or oil to your pan. You won’t need a lot just enough for moisture.
  4. Place the picanha fat side down in the frying pan and allow it to cook at medium heat for about 20 minutes, depending on the size of the meat cut.
  5. Flip the beef over and let it sear on the other side for 2-3 minutes or until it turns a slight golden brown in color.
  6. Transfer the meat into a baking pan and pour the juices from the frying pan over it. You should place it in the baking pan fat side up.
  7. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees.
  8. Bake picanha in the oven at this temperature for 1-2 hours depending on the size of the meat cut. It will probably be somewhere between 2-4 pounds but could vary. Start with 1 hours and check it every 20 minutes after that.
  9. Cook to an internal temperature of 130-140 degrees.
  10. Remove from the oven and allow to rest 5-10 minutes before you cut into the meat. Cut against the grain to serve.

As with grilled picanha, we recommend cooking to a doneness of no more than medium. This is the best temperature to maintain the juicy flavors this meat is loved for.


Grilled Picanha Steak Skewers

A classic recipe for tasty and beefy grilled picanha
Course Main Course
Cuisine Brazilian
Keyword Picanha, Picanha Steak, Steak Skewers
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Servings 6 people
Calories 360kcal


  • 4 to 6 metal skewers


  • 1 Picanha steak 3-4 lbs
  • 1 tbsp kosher salt
  • 1 tbsp ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp olive oil to lightly brush beef


  • Slice Picanha steak into 1 inch thick slices, cutting against the grain
  • Score the fat with your knife, about a quarter of an inch deep
  • Fold each section of beef in half, with the fat side facing out. Once folded, place each piece on the skewer, poking through the fatty exterior of the beef
  • Brush skewers lightly with olive oil then sprinkle salt and pepper mixture on top to season the beef
  • Preheat grill to 450°F – if possible create two temperature zones on your grill
  • Place skewers on grill grates, ideally over the indirect heat side of the grill. If you have to place the skewers directly over a burner just be sure to check on your beef every couple of minutes to ensure grill does not flare
  • Close the lid and cook the skewers for about 20 minutes, flipping every 5-7 minutes
  • Remove skewers from grill and allow them to rest for about 10 minutes, then serve and enjoy!


Read more about two zone grilling here.


Calories: 360kcal

Final Thoughts

No matter which way you slice it, picanha steak is a treat and a fantastic way to get some tasty beef on your dinner plate.  And if you cook it right, the flavor can stand up to some of the most popular steak cuts like NY Strip and Ribeye.

How do you prefer to cook it?  On the grill, with skewers, or roasted and why?  We’d love to hear from you in the comments section below.

The post Picanha Steak – What Is It? Our Recipe, and The 3 Best Ways to Cook It appeared first on Own The Grill.

Smoked Side Dish Ideas Mon, 09 May 2022 13:52:56 +0000 When it comes to smoking food, many people will only think of […]

The post Smoked Side Dish Ideas appeared first on Own The Grill.

When it comes to smoking food, many people will only think of the main meals that you can come up with during a BBQ or a smoked meal.

However, this isn’t the case. Sometimes side dishes can taste just as good, if not better, than the main meal itself when smoked properly.

Of course, it can be a hard decision when trying to choose some tasty sides for your main course, so we’ve made a list of smoked side dishes to accompany your food.

Smoked Prawns

Prawns are an extremely popular and versatile variation of shellfish that features in too many different meals to count.

However, they’re also great because of their size. It’s rare that you’ll ever see fish as a side dish because they’re too big, however, prawns are the perfect size to be classed as finger food or a side dish at the very least.

Smoking prawns doesn’t take too long because of their size and they are easier to cook large quantities of them than other seafood.

With regards to what they can go with, we recommend that you smoke them and they prepare them on a small plate with garlic sauce. Combining the fishy flavors with the strong hints of garlic, you have yourself an explosively tasty accompaniment to your main dish.

On top of this, you can also add a sprinkle of chili flakes and some chili sauce to add an extra layer to the smoky, garlicky goodness.

Accompany this with some fresh rocket or cress and you can turn this small dish into a worthy starter for any barbecue. Don’t forget a slice of fresh lemon to squeeze the juice over your prawns!

Smoked Vegetables

When having a barbecue or some sort of little gathering, it’s always nice to have a balance of meats, carbs, and vegetables.

By placing smoked vegetables like peppers and tomatoes onto a skewer and smoking them, you’re able to add that extra crunch to any meal that will leave you wanting more. 

As previously mentioned, a lot of people will prefer to have finger food for their sides so they can eat easily without having to worry about looking rude or messy.

This makes vegetable skewers a perfect little feature to include in any barbecue, however, they can also be used as a topper or some sort of garnish for a good steak or chicken meal.

For vegetarians, smoked vegetables can be a good substitute for meat when having some sort of pasta dish or rice dish because of the vegetables’ crunchiness and added taste.

With regards to another way to implement these vegetables into a meal, you can always make a vegetable curry with some rice and fries. It’ll fill you up, that’s for sure!

Smoked Vegetables

Jalapeño Poppers

On a similar note, smoked jalapeño poppers are an all time classic when it comes to grilled and smoked side dishes.

The combination of pepper, cheesy goodness, and savory bacon make an unbelievable tasty combination.

The best part? Preparation isn’t hard at all and doesn’t take much time at all. From there, all you have to do is throw your poppers on the cooking grate and let your smoker do the work.

Check out our bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers recipe for more on this incredible side dish.

Smoked Meat Skewers

When it comes to having smoked meats as a side dish, you can always enjoy a bit of smoked beef, pork, and chicken on a skewer.

Skewers are a great way of eating easily without spilling all of the meat juices onto your clothes and allow you to eat without the added stress of making a mess. When a bit of smoked meat is prepared perfectly, it can be even better than the main meal!

These skewers can be any size you want, depending on the size of your appetite and how much meat you have at your disposal.

As previously mentioned, smoked vegetables also make a great skewered food and can be combined with the meat to make a very balanced presentation. You can also add in vegetables like smoked carrots and onions for that extra bit of flavor.

Smoked Mac & Cheese

Out of all the smoked side dish ideas on this list, smoked mac and cheese probably takes the most time and energy.

But, if you’re willing to make some mac and put it on the smoker, you’ll be rewarded with one of the tastiest and widely loved side dishes that can go with your BBQ.

The best part is, you can easily put your pan of mac and cheese inside your smoker right next to your meat – that way it can pick up some smokey flavor while your main course finishes cooking.

Smoked Chicken Bites

Chicken has to be one of the most versatile foods in the world, being used in food dishes all over the globe. In parts of Europe and Asia, people have been known to make a starter or side dish called chicken tikka, where the chicken is accompanied by various vegetables and some sauce.

Smoking this chicken combines the cloudy flavor of the smoker with the sweet and savory tones in the chicken tikka, making this dish something very unique. Add a bit of garnish and it looks great too!

Another way to have smoked chicken bites as a side dish is to accompany them with a dip. Breaded chicken strips work incredibly well with a BBQ dip or glaze, with sesame seeds. Seen in many popular food chains, you could always try and replicate your favorite restaurant sides at home, whilst adding a smoky twist!

On top of this, you could always make smoked chicken wraps. Making them small enough to be able to eat in a single bite is a great way to keep them as a side dish, rather than as the main focusing point of your meal.

This can be combined with smoked vegetables and some sort of spread like hummus or a garlic spread. An interesting combination of flavors, that’s for sure!

Smoked Beef Strips

When it comes to setting up a meal and giving people a taste of what’s to come, having smoked beef strips is the way to go. By having a few strips of succulent beef, you can set the stomach for the meal that’s yet to come.

With regards to how you cook these, the choice is all yours. By making some of these beef strips rare, you can have a softer, more tender set of sides that fall apart in your mouth.

Pairing steak strips or beef strips with a dip of peppercorn sauce or BBQ sauce can be a great way to ensure that your side dish isn’t too dry. Salt and pepper are always welcome too!

Burnt Ends

Brisket burnt ends are essentially delectable little bursts of BBQ. If you’re smoking an entire brisket for a main course, burnt ends are a great side dish choice to elevate the experience.

You can also make burnt ends with the brisket point section, or you could opt for poor man’s burnt ends which utilizes a smoked chuck roast for the bites instead of brisket.

Final Thoughts

Smoking food can be incredibly enjoyable and the list of foods available to you is endless. Whether you prefer the lighter meat of chicken, or the heavier but tender beef and steak, you can find a side dish that suits any occasion.

The best thing about side dishes is that a lot of them are small enough for you to eat with your hands or a small knife and fork.

Pairing some smoked meats with some juicy smoked vegetables is a great way to ensure that you’re getting a balance to settle the stomach before having a great meal. Try some different combinations! The choices are infinite!

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The 11 Best Side Ideas For Steak Tue, 08 Mar 2022 15:57:51 +0000 Steak is one of those meals that just screams good food. The […]

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Steak is one of those meals that just screams good food. The tender, juicy inside. The perfectly seared and seasoned exterior.

Whether you’re eating out at a restaurant or grilling up a homemade ribeye for date night, there’s nothing quite like a steak dinner.

But as great as a steak can be on its own, no meal is complete without some good sides. So just what are the best things to serve alongside a steak dinner? Here are 11 of the best side ideas to serve with your steak.

The 11 Best Sides To Have With Steak

Roasted Veggies

While this side may be simple, it’s one of the best options to accompany a steak. The best thing is, there is barely any prep involved.

All you need to do is peel your vegetables, drizzle them in oil, add some seasonings, and you can go ahead and put them in the oven. The best veg to use mostly comes down to personal preference, but carrots, parsnips, and cubed potatoes are some of the best choices.

For seasonings, a mix of herbs and spices will really make your veg stand out. Salt, black pepper, rosemary, and sage are the best options, with flavors that perfectly complement your steak.

To step things up a notch, drizzle some balsamic vinegar on top before you start roasting your veg. It will reduce down to a sticky and tangy glaze that works wonders with the umami of the steak.

Garlic Butter Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a great accompaniment to steak due to their earthy taste and ability to soak up flavors. These garlic butter mushrooms switch that all up to 11 for a mouth-watering side that you might be more excited about than the steak!

You can make a simple garlic butter by whisking together melted butter, minced garlic, parsley, and thyme in a bowl. 

From there, you can either soak the mushrooms in the garlic butter while you wait for the over to preheat, or spread them out on a baking sheet and pour the mixture on top. Bake them until they are tender and golden-brown.

These mushrooms are absolutely incredible with steak or even on their own, and the only downside is that you’ll eventually run out!

Mac and Cheese

The great thing about mac and cheese as a side dish for steak is that you can make it as gourmet or as easy as you’d like. Even a helping of store bought box mac and cheese will taste just fine next to your steak.

However, if you have the time to prepare we’d suggest taking your mac and cheese game up a notch. Something like a smoked mac and cheese with lobster can really elevate your special dinner.

And if you want to double down on beef, a brisket mac and cheese is also a great choice to impress your guests.

Grilled Corn on the Cob

Another simple yet delicious side, grilled corn on the cob is a great addition to your steak. 

The sweet and buttery corn works wonderfully with the natural flavors of steak and helps serve as a bit of a palate cleanser to keep things fresh.

If cooking corn on the cob is too time-consuming (it can take up to 45 minutes in the oven!), you can use sweetcorn off of the cob instead. Add a little bit of butter and a pinch of smoked paprika to take it to the next level.

For a fresher side, mix the sweetcorn with red onion, tomato, cilantro, and lime juice to make a zesty sweetcorn salad.

Here’s a handy tip for you: instead of waiting until the corn is cooked to add some butter, you should coat the cobs in garlic butter and wrap them in tin foil before you grill them. You can thank me later!

Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a classic side that really needs no explaining. Creamy, smooth, and incredibly versatile, a good mash is just what you need to turn your steak into a full meal.

Mashed potatoes give you a lot of options in terms of personalizing them to your tastes. 

Adding some cheese will give the mash a thicker texture along with a deliciously-cheesy flavor. A dollop of yoghurt in place of cream gives it a nice tang as well as being a healthier option

You can even fry up some onions and add them in for a twist on the original, or use them to make a caramelized onion gravy that tastes incredible with both the mashed potatoes and your steak.

Mashed Potato

Fresh Slaw

If some of the options on this list so far feel a bit too heavy, then a slaw is just what you need. Light, fresh, and tangy, a good slaw is great when paired with steak. Again, this recipe is easy to tweak to suit your preferences, so feel free to swap ingredients in and out as you see fit.

You can make a simple coleslaw in just a few minutes. Shred some red cabbage, carrot, fennel, and shallots, then mix them in a bowl with a mayonnaise dressing and you’re good to go.

Alternatively, swap out the fennel and mayo for some thinly sliced sweet peppers and a dressing made of vinegar, oil, sugar, mustard and spices for a sweet and tangy Jamaican-style slaw.

For even more of a twist, why not make an Asian-style slaw? For the veg, combine your cabbage with sweet peppers, edamame and bok choy. Then add a zingy sauce such as teriyaki or hoisin, and sprinkle some roasted sesame seeds on top to finish.

Steak-Cut Fries

As the name suggests, these fries are made to be served with steak. 

The main difference between steak-cut fries and regular french fries is their shape. While french fries are long and thin, steak-cut fries are cut into much thicker, chunkier slices. 

To make your fries a bit healthier, bake them instead of frying. This removes the oil from the equation and helps cut down on their calorie count. Baking them with the skin on also helps them get extra crispy!

Serve your fries alongside your steak to mop up any juices, or dip them in the sauce of your choice.

Onion Rings 

You’d be hard-pressed to find a steakhouse that doesn’t offer onion rings on the side. They are a classic accompaniment to steak and are easy to make at home. 

Start off with a large onion, and cut thick slices horizontally (perpendicular to the line between the top and bottom of the onion). Separate the rings of the onion, and coat them in the batter. Then, deep fry until golden and serve.

Because onion rings are a fairly simple recipe, there are plenty of variations you can make. Adding beer to the batter is one of the most popular choices, but you can also add spices like paprika or cayenne pepper to the batter to give your onion rings a kick of heat.

Alternatively, you can skip the batter altogether and instead coat the onion in breadcrumbs for a lighter, crunchier exterior.

Sweet Potato Fries

Looking for something a bit healthier than regular fries without skimping out on great taste? Then some skin-on sweet potato fries are the perfect alternative.

Not only is this side nutritious as well as delicious, but it’s also incredibly simple to make. Simply slice up some sweet potatoes into fry shapes, drizzle them in a bit of oil, and bake. You’ll be left with crispy skin and a wonderfully fluffy interior.

While you can add whatever seasonings you like, a simple sprinkle of salt and pepper will give the fries a nice little kick that won’t overshadow the flavor of your steak.

Scalloped Potatoes

Is it too obvious that I like potatoes? They are just so versatile and delicious that you can serve them in practically any form for a great side.

That said, these thinly sliced potatoes are in a league of their own – and a classy side for a nice filet mignon. Layer them in a casserole dish, coat them in milk and/or cream, and bake them until delectably soft and creamy. To elevate them even further, add some chopped pieces of crispy bacon and spring onion.

Alternatively, you can make potato au gratin. This is a similar recipe, but it includes grated cheese and breadcrumbs for an even more decadent dish. 

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts might not be to everyone’s liking, but they sure go well with a good steak.

If you’re not a fan of their taste normally, then this recipe might just change your mind.

A large part of their unpopularity comes from their bitter and acidic taste – however, roasting sprouts helps to reduce this for a more mellow flavor. Even better, shredded Brussel sprouts let this cookout, even more, to leave you with a mildly sweet and nutty taste.

Shred some Brussels sprouts, drizzle them in a generous amount of olive oil, and add some bacon to really let this side shine. Now just try and tell me that sprouts are gross!

Final Thoughts

So there you have it – 11 of the best side ideas that you can serve with steak! 

All of these recipes are easy to make and go great with the natural flavors of your steak. Whether you want the light freshness of slaw, the comforting taste of mashed potatoes, or the pure decadence of garlic butter mushrooms, there is something for everyone here.

Whichever recipe you choose to make (or even a combination of several!) you’re sure to find something that you love and that pairs perfectly with your delicious steak.

Bon appetite!

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What To Spritz Brisket With [9 Ideas] Mon, 14 Mar 2022 22:40:45 +0000 Brisket is traditionally cooked at low temperatures for long periods of time. […]

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Brisket is traditionally cooked at low temperatures for long periods of time. This makes it perfect for the barbecue, and allows the meat to become tender and flavorful. However, the low and slow approach can also lead to the meat drying out.

The key to avoiding dry meat, and making sure your brisket stays moist, is all in the extra steps.

A rub before cooking, wrapping at a certain temperature, and a spritz can keep your brisket perfectly tender. Talented smokers will keep a brisket spray on hand, to regularly douse the meat as it cooks.

Barbecue experts and smoker enthusiasts all have differing opinions on the best way to keep a brisket moist. Finding the right brisket spritz for your favorite cut of meat might involve some trial and error, but the juicy end results are totally worth it.

Take a look at this guide to find the best brisket sprays around, and how to use them.

What Is A Brisket Spritz?

A brisket spritz is a tool used by professional barbecue masters and backyard grillers alike. When you spritz a brisket, you spray the meat with liquid in a speedy burst. A brisket spritz is essentially any liquid that could add a layer of flavoring to a brisket, from apple juice to butter to beer.

Spritzing is done using a food-grade spray bottle, and a mastery of timing.

Why Use A Brisket Spritz?

The first use of the brisket spritz is to increase the humidity in the smoker, and stop the brisket from drying out. By using the brisket spray, it’s easy to control the amount of moisture on the meat.

The second use is all to do with the brisket bark. The bark is the hard outer layer on the brisket, formed by the rub, meat, and fat. Spritzing the brisket can help the rub stick, and prevent it from drying out and becoming chewy. The right spritz can give you a dark and rich bark.

Smoke sticks best to cold and damp surfaces, which are lost during the cooking process. With added moisture from the spritz, more smoke will stick. Some even think using the spritz can give your brisket a better smoke ring.

You can also use a brisket spritz to create different flavors in your barbecue. For example, if you want to make a spicy barbecue sauce, you can add a little bit of hot pepper flakes to the spritz. Or, you can try something with sugar, to help caramelize the rub. 

Finally, using a spritz can slow the process if your brisket is cooking too fast. When brisket cooks quickly, the meat goes tough. A slow cook gives the connective tissues a chance to break down, and go tender. This slowing spritz will also help prevent the bark from going chewy.

What To Spritz Brisket With

There are plenty of options for brisket sprays, depending on what effect you hope to achieve. Below are some of our favorites.

Apple Juice

Apple juice is one of the most popular brisket sprays because it adds both moisture and flavor. The sweet and sugary apple juice also helps to caramelize the rub, and get it to stick to the surface.

To use, simply mix one part apple juice with one part water. Other fruit juices can also be used as a brisket spray. Try using pear or pineapple, for a tender brisket.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Another option is apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar, otherwise known as ACV, is inexpensive, and can create a crunchy and tangy bark.

For a simple apple cider vinegar spritz, mix two parts ACV, two parts apple juice, and one part water. Some mix ACV with beer, for a tenderizing brisket spritz.

Other chefs prefer to use red wine vinegar. It has a less powerful tang than ACV.

Beef Broth

If you’re looking for a safe brisket spritz, broth is the way to go. It adds liquid, making for a moist brisket, but doesn’t overwhelm the flavors. Broth can be a simple savory flavor, or incredibly complex, so you can have some fun experimenting for an amazing taste.

Hot Sauce

One of the easiest ways to spice up your brisket is by adding hot sauce. Hot sauces come in many varieties, including Tabasco, Sriracha, and Cholula. They all work well, but we recommend starting mild and building up, because hot sauce adds a punch of flavor. Mix with water for an easier spray.


Make sure to melt it before using, but butter is fantastic as a brisket spray. A tablespoon of melted butter mixed into a half cup of water makes an excellent brisket spritz. It adds richness, without diluting the flavor. Keep the bottle warm, so the butter can’t solidify.


Yes, you can add beer to your brisket. Dark ales are ideal, adding moisture, sugar, and a complexity of flavoring. Beer can be sprayed on as is, or mixed with water, ACV, and a dash of hot sauce.

Olive Oil

Mixing olive oil with salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, and onion powder creates a flavorful coating for the brisket. Olive oil isn’t the most popular brisket spray, but it’s a fun one to experiment with.

Worcestershire Sauce

A classic choice, mix your Worcestershire space with water so it sprays better. Barbecue sauce is another obvious, yet still delicious, choice.


Sometimes, simple is best. Water alone works great as a brisket spritz, adding moisture and nothing else.

Mopping Versus Spritzing

Spritzing applies a mist of liquid to the brisket. The spray has to be thin enough to get through the nozzle on the bottle, and only a light amount will be added each time.

Mopping is applying a liquid using a brush, keeping the rub in place so the bark can form. While a spritz needs to be thin to work properly in your spritzer, a mopping liquid can be a thicker sauce.

Some choose to baste their briskets, but this method will often cause the rub to drip away.

With spritzing, it’s very important that you choose the right spray bottle. It should spray evenly, with an easy-squeeze trigger. It must be made of food-grade materials, and accommodate a slightly thicker spray.

How Often Should You Spritz A Brisket?

You should only spritz the brisket a few times, or you’ll slow down the cooking process, and cause the bark to lose integrity.

When you start cooking, leave the brisket alone for at least 90 minutes, preferably 2 hours. In this time, the smoke will start to penetrate the brisket, and the rub can stick. 

Aim to spray your brisket roughly every hour. It might not even need this much! With a really flavorful spritz, every 90 minutes will be enough. In this case, less is often more.

Do You Have To Spritz A Brisket?

Ask any barbecue expert about the brisket spray, and you’re likely to get back some hotly debated opinions. The brisket spray is a controversial topic.

The consensus seems to be that if you want a good bark, then yes, you should spritz. If you don’t want a good bark, there’s no reason to spritz.

Spraying the brisket will slow down the cooking time, as heat is released and the smoke has to combat the added moisture. If you intend to do an overnight smoke, the spritz isn’t really necessary.

While some grill masters such as Aaron Franklin think the brisket spritz is an essential, others have their own chosen method.

Final Thoughts

Brisket is one of those meats where everyone has their favorite methods. Some prefer to spritz, while others like to mop, and others just cook without anything added.

If you’re new to barbecuing, try out the spritz, and see what it can do for you.

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Best Fish To Smoke (10 Ideas) Mon, 11 Apr 2022 14:41:00 +0000 Depending on your setup, you might be planning on smoking fish. But […]

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Depending on your setup, you might be planning on smoking fish. But what is the best fish to smoke? Among other meats, certain fish work excellently when they are cooked on smoker grills. This is because they lock in moisture with the woody flavors of the smoker, which creates a rich and unique flavor. 

The great thing about smoking fish is that there are so many types that you can try out. All fish can be smoked, and there is no reason why you should not consider different options and flavor combinations.

Whether you want to make the most out of your smoking set-up, or if you want to experiment with unique aromas, these are some of the best types of fish to smoke. 

While most fish can be smoked to enhance its flavor and create a delicate, flaky texture, fatty fish tends to respond best in the smoker.

Fatty fish absorb the wood flavors from the smoke better than lean, simply because they have more fat to soak it up. Try to focus on using fish that is high in omega 3 for a healthy source of fat in your diet.

Best Types of Fish to Smoke

Striped Mullet

This fish has a particularly high oil content, which makes it an especially decadent-tasting finished product when smoked. It is recommended that you brine the fish before smoking. This helps make the structure of the meat more stable, and less likely to fall apart while it is in the smoker. 

Cut off the head of your mullet, leaving the scales and skin on the body. Cut along the side fin from head to tail, so that the body folds out in one piece. After brining, you should rinse with cold water and then leave to dry overnight. This can help make a crispy exterior. 

Striped mullet pairs well with hickory or pecan wood if it is available to you. Add lemon, olive oil, and salt to the fish for additional flavor enhancement. Once you have everything set up, you can leave your fish for around 3 hours, or longer if you are using a colder temperature than average. 


Smoked mackerel is a crowd-pleaser. It is packed full of moisture and flavor, which is why it is one of the most popular types of fish to smoke. Mackerel can take on a slightly sweet taste depending on the wood you fill your smoker with. 

While mackerel can become dry a little easier than some other fish which creates an unpleasant texture, it’s easy to prevent this by brining it before smoking. Use more salt than you think you will need, as this can also help maintain some structural integrity of the mackerel. 

Another way to prevent mackerel from drying out too much is to ensure that you are smoking it for the right amount of time and under the correct temperature. You can cold smoke it at around 100 Fahrenheit for four hours, and then hot smoke for 2-3 hours at 200 Fahrenheit. 

This is one of the best ways to preserve the mackerel’s texture and bring out its fragrant aromas. However, it really depends on your smoker and what settings are available, because some make great tasting smoked mackerel within twenty minutes!


This is another fish that is often smoked, because of its unique profile and rich taste overall. Again, it’s important to soak the fish in brine ahead of time. While it was originally seen as a luxury by many cultures, you can create your own smoked salmon at home. 

Because of its color, you do not want to risk over-or undercooking this delicate fish. That is why you should invest in a high-quality meat thermometer to keep a close eye on the salmon and remove it when it is ready. 

Depending on the settings of your smoker and the total capacity, smoking salmon can take anywhere between one and four hours. It can be a great centerpiece if you are using a large fillet or the perfect addition to a charcuterie board for entertaining next to a glass of wine


For a robust, flaky-tasting fish that is fragrant and an excellent source of selenium, you could also try adding bluefish to your smoker. Because of its flaky texture, smoked bluefish is a great addition to dips, sauces, and omelets. 

Because it has a more fragrant aroma, balance out the flavors of the fish by topping generously with black pepper before adding it to your smoker.

Bluefish needs to be left to do its thing in the smoker on high for thirty minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the fish, before lowering the temperature and leaving it for around three hours. 

Again, it is worth using a meat thermometer to avoid overcooking the bluefish because it can be easy to become an overly dry texture that is unpleasant to eat. 


Another fish that pairs well with sweet and salty flavors is trout. It is an exceptional fish to smoke because of the way that it takes on additional flavors without compromising the balanced taste that this fish provides. Cedar, cherry, and alder wood are preferred for smoking trout because of the slight sweetness that they can add. 

In comparison to salmon, which looks very similar to once they have both been smoked, trout has a more delicate flavor. This makes the fish more light and fresh-tasting, even after going through the smoking process. 

The internal temperature of trout once it is fully cooked should be around 145 Fahrenheit. Depending on the smoke set-up you have, the process can take approximately one hour for every half pound of fish. 


Do not be put off by the size range that these fish can be seen in, swordfish can have a subtle tasting sweetness without some of the excessive fishiness that other fish tend to have. When it has been smoked, swordfish is gentle meat that is soft, tender, and moist. 

It is usually best to buy swordfish fillets because they are easier to work with than the entire fish, and a lot cheaper. Filling your smoker with maple chips is a perfect way to bring out the sweetness within the fillets. 

The smoking process usually takes around two hours, but it is done when the internal temperature on the thickest fillet has reached 145 Fahrenheit. As long as you season liberally with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder, then swordfish can be a highly impressive type of meat to work with. 


Tuna meat is strangely similar to beef, especially when it has been filleted. It pairs well with the cooking methods of a smoker because of its more subtle fishy taste. Mild flavors are best for this fish, like cherry or apple. You can use whatever type of tuna you like, but we would recommend Ahi tuna. 

Smoked tuna fillets are a luxury unlike any other, and their unique meaty flavor combined with the fishy undertones is sure to impress the toughest of critics. It can be a great way to introduce new flavors to picky eaters or to add to a salad during the warmer months. 

Scallops, Clams, Oysters

While these are not necessarily considered fish, scallops, clams, and oysters taste amazing when they have been put through the smoker.

This is because of the impressive range of flavor that each has, and how the smoking process brings this out. Whiskey butter, garlic, and creamy mustard sauce all pair well with these types of fish when they are smoked. 

This is due to the way that they respond to certain aromas and retain their own texture when they are cooked correctly. It doesn’t take as long to prepare and cook scallops, clams, and oysters using the smoker because they are much smaller than some fish fillets you may be using. 

Add these during the last thirty minutes of smoking to allow them to retain the deep aromas without becoming dry. 

Things To Consider When Smoking Fish

These are some factors to be mindful of when you are preparing to smoke fish. Of course, the weather can be an influential factor if you live in an area that has more unpredictable rainfall.

If your smoking equipment is set up outdoors then you could consider setting it up under a shelter, waiting for a clearer day, or using the oven to smoke your fish. 

Wood is another important thing that can affect the taste of the fish and anything else that you choose to smoke. Different types of wood create slightly different aromas which will infuse into the fish to create a unique taste.

Consider how soft each type of wood is, and whether you want to soak it ahead of time because this can help with the overall flavor achieved. 

Sweeter wood like hickory typically works best with meats such as pork and ribs, whereas maple wood is recommended for poultry. Alder, apple, mulberry, and oak are some of the most commonly recommended types of wood to smoke fish and seafood. 

It is, however, up to you to decide which types of wood you want to use. The beauty of the smoking process is that you can experiment with different combinations to see how they affect the overall taste, texture, and aromas of the fish. 

Depending on how you choose to get started with the smoking process, you could consider using it to develop a new skill. Changing the heat settings, hanging up the fish, and checking it over time can be highly rewarding and satisfying.

For an extra DIY idea, you could try to use leftover pieces of metal, or old oil can build your own smoking machine. 

There is a range of smoking equipment on the market, and small intricacies such as the size of the chamber can impact the total time it takes to smoke certain foods.

For example, longer meat smokers such as this one provide slightly less area for the wood chips. This can have an effect on the taste of the fish because there will be less smoke created in total. 

Another design to consider if you don’t have a smoker is the wider layout that allows more space to move wood around and space the fish apart. This can allow you to keep things at different temperatures because you can gain better control over the wood and therefore heat. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Smoked Fish Good For You?

It is one of the healthiest ways to cook fish because there is less need for oils and other fats that are normally used in frying or sautéing certain fish. Smoking locks in the omega-3 enriched oils of the fish without adding more fats that are unhealthy. 

How Long Does Smoked Fish Last?

In the refrigerator, most smoked fish lasts around ten days in an airtight container. However, it might be hard to resist snacking on the delicious, delicate-tasting fish ready at your fingertips.

Apart from the taste, the main difference between store-bought smoked fish and what you have smoked yourself is the shelf life. Homemade smoked fish has a much shorter shelf life, although the taste certainly makes up for it! 

Why Would I Smoke Fish?

Traditionally, meats were smoked to help preserve them and make them last longer. The smoking process helps prevent the growth of bacteria, and locks in some of the essential moisture that keeps its taste. The aromas of smoked fish are unlike anything else, and it’s worth trying the process purely for the taste of freshly smoked fish. 

Final Thoughts

There are so many types of tastes, aromas, and textures that contribute to the experience of smoked fish that it is difficult to decide on one specific type of fish to name as the ‘best’ to smoke.

That is why this guide has covered some of the most popular types of fish to smoke, and how their unique characteristics can be enhanced with particular wood types, smoking times, sauces and seasoning. 

Build your own smoker or buy one today to begin experimenting with different types of wood. Create your own smoked meats and fish to impress your loved ones at your next dinner party. It is certainly a labor of love worth the time spent on the process.

The post Best Fish To Smoke (10 Ideas) appeared first on Own The Grill.

Eye of Round Steak (What it is + 4 Ways to Cook it) Thu, 04 May 2023 00:43:48 +0000 In the world of steaks, not all steak cuts are created equal. […]

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In the world of steaks, not all steak cuts are created equal. Some can be tough and chewy, fatty or lean, and low-priced, while others can break the bank. This is where the eye of round steak comes in. Called the “inexpensive cuts” of meat that are packed with juice and flavor, but only if cooked properly.

What is Eye of Round Steak?

The eye of round steak is a lean cut of beef that comes from the rump and hind legs of a cow. Since both the rump and hips are muscles that are worked hard by the cow, the eye of round is a lean piece of steak that’s tougher than the cuts you’re probably used to. You will typically see each cut around 1 inch thick and an average of 8 ounces.

picture of how and the steak cuts of meat

How Do You Prepare Eye of Round Steak?

Start by properly tenderizing the meat beforehand. I’m a big fan of tenderizing so get that mallet out and wack that steak. Once your steak is beaten up let’s talk marinade.

Using an acidic-based marinade can create a more tender steak. This helps to deconstruct the meat’s connective tissue and lends the steak a more tender texture rather than a tough one. Let the marinade sit for a minimum of 4 hours but up to 24 hours. The longer the better!

Here is our favorite homemade marinade blend:

  • 4 tbsp lime juice

  • 2 tsp garlic powder

  • 2 tsp onion powder

  • 2 tsp cumin

  • 2 tsp coriander

  • pinch of kosher salt and pepper

  • 2 8oz Eye of Round Steaks

    *Use this blend for all of your round steak recipes

Ways To Cook Eye Of Round Steak

This requires some knowledge to achieve the desired result. Experts too may encounter challenges when cooking eye of round steak.

What we have found is our tenderizing and marinating method listed above plus the proper cooking technique can help you achieve the most tender and juicy eye of round steak in town.

Here are the methods we recommend with eye of round recipes:

1. Grill

It’s important to look for eye of round steaks that are at least 1 inch thick. This will ensure that the steak will cook evenly and not dry out too quickly. You’ll want to tenderize the steak with a mallet. Do not skip this step. Since this particular cut of meat is lean and tough, breaking up the connective tissue is mandatory.

Marinating can help tenderize and infuse it with flavor. Season with salt and pepper and/or your favorite dry rub or seasoning blend.

Grill the steak for about 4-6 minutes per side on medium heat for medium-rare, or until the internal temperature reaches 135°F. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature and avoid overcooking the steak. You can leave it on longer if you want a more well-done steak however our preferred way to eat is medium rare.

2. Sous Vide

While not difficult, this method requires more specialized equipment and time, but it results in a perfectly cooked roast every time.

This cooking method involves vacuum-sealing the steaks in a plastic bag and cooking them in a temperature-controlled water bath. The vacuum-sealed bag also helps to lock in the flavors and juices of the meat (use that marinade we talked about above).

vacuum sealed steaks for sous vide

Once the steaks have been cooked to the desired level of doneness, they can be seared in a hot skillet or roasted in the oven for a few minutes. This will give a nice brown crust on the exterior with flavor and juice on the inside.

3. Bake

Who doesn’t love a classic way to cook beef? With just a few ingredients, you can have the best-tasting steak.

First, you’ll need to tenderize and season the steaks. Next, sear in a cast iron skillet or saute pan with olive oil (you can also add a little unsalted butter) on medium-high heat for about 2 minutes on each side. This will give a crusty outer layer before cooking the inside. Last, place them in a roasting pan and bake in the oven at 350°F (175°C).

We highly recommend using a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature to ensure it’s cooked to your liking. For medium-rare doneness, the internal temperature should be about 135°F (57°C).

Once they’re cooked, remove them from the oven and let them rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, so you’ll end with a tender and juicy steak.

4. Slow Cook

Using a slow cooker can be beneficial for a few reasons. This cut of meat is known for being lean and relatively tough. Just like beef stew, slow cooking allows the meat fibers to break down slowly and become more tender. It can also enhance the meat with flavor. You can add herbs and spices to the cooking liquid.

This method tends to be the most convenient way to cook. Make sure you tenderize the meat prior to cooking and I always like to give a quick sear on the outside before adding to my crock pot. Using beef broth and little beef stock adds a ton of flavor. Once it’s prepared, there’s very little to worry about. Make sure to add veggies and serve with mashed potatoes. You can pour the amazing juice over them and enjoy!

*You can also use this method and cook in a Dutch oven.

Is Eye of Round Steak and Roast the same?

So the beef is from the same part of the cow, but they are not the same cut. The eye of round steak is thinly sliced (1 inch thick), lean, and tough. The eye of round roast is a larger cut of meat(3-4 inches thick) and has less fat than other beef roasts, but is still lean and a bit tough. I promise though, when prepared and cooked properly both can be amazing!

How Do You Tenderize an Eye of Round Steak?

Tough cuts of meat have a lot of connective tissue that can make them chewy and difficult to eat. Tenderizing the meat can break down this tissue, making the meat more tender.

When you tenderize meat, you create small channels in the meat that can help to distribute seasoning and marinades throughout the meat. 

Here are the steps on how to tenderize steak:

  1. Place the steak on a cutting board and cover it with plastic wrap to prevent it from tearing.

  2. Using a meat mallet, gently pound the steak with the flat side of the mallet. Start at the center of the steak and work your way out to the edges.

  3. Avoid pounding the steak too hard, as this can cause the meat to become too thin and lose its shape.

  4. Flip the steak over and repeat on the other side.

Does Eye Of Round Steak Go By Other Names?

Almost every cut from the round primal will have ‘round’ in the name, which can make things quite confusing. There are a few different names commonly used to describe the eye of round steak.

These names include:

  • beef round

  • beef eye

  • round steak

  • beef round

  • steak boneless

Other Cuts Similar to the Eye of Round Steak

Here are a few other lean cuts of beef that come from the hindquarters of the cow. Just like eye of round, they are a tougher cut of meat.

  • Bottom Round

  • Top round

  • Sirloin tip

  • Flank steak (comes from the lower abdominal area or flank of the cow)

Where Can You Buy Eye of Round Steaks?

  • Most supermarkets carry eye of round steaks in an affordable pack, usually containing three or four thinly sliced steaks. For thicker cuts that you’re looking to grill, you’ll probably be better checking at the meat counter or at a butcher.

Do You Have a Favorite Eye of Round Steak Recipe?

It’s tough to determine the “best” eye of round steak recipe since personal preferences and tastes can vary. We are happy to share our simple and flavorful round steak recipe that’s our “go-to” when cooking.


  • 1 pound eye of round steak

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1 teaspoon paprika

  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper


    1. Preheat the grill to high heat.

    2. Using a mallet, smack the meat to tenderize, about 15 seconds on each side.

    3. In a small bowl, mix together olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, onion powder, salt, and pepper.

    4. Brush the seasoning mixture onto both sides of the steak.

    5. Place the steak on the grill and cook for 5-6 minutes on each side or until desired doneness is reached.

    6. Remove from the grill and let it rest for 5 minutes before slicing and serving.

Other Steak Cuts for Home Grilling

Here are a few more of our favorite steaks and how to grill them:

How to Reverse Sear a T-Bone

How to Grill the Perfect New York Strip

Kobe Beef Cooked at Home

Top Takeaways for Eye Of Round Steak

  • Comes from the rump and hind legs of a cow.

  • Is a leaner tougher cut that should be tenderized and marinated prior to cooking.

  • The top ways to cook are to grill, sous vide, bake, or slow cook.

  • A round steak and round roast come from the same part of the cow but they are not the same cut.

  • Similar cuts of meat are bottom round, top round, and sirloin tips.

  • Most supermarkets carry the eye of round steaks and roasts. If not check with a local butcher.



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Flat Iron Steak – What Is It And How To Cook It Tue, 09 May 2023 22:40:05 +0000 Beef flat irons are derived from the feather muscle which is found […]

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Beef flat irons are derived from the feather muscle which is found in the chuck and blade sections of the animal. In the classic method, a much hotter pan or grill is used to cook the steak; the sides are sealed and rested well in a warm place after they are cooked.

External gristle from the muscle is removed leaving lean steak with a nice marbled texture

With the popularity of flat iron steaks gaining momentum, you can find them in more grocery stores as well as on restaurant menus as a more affordable alternative to more expensive steak; it is almost as tender as a tenderloin at a fraction of the cost.

The purpose of this guide is to tell you everything you need to know about flat iron steaks and how you can cook one yourself using proper technique, so that this could become your new favorite at home! 

What Is The Flat Iron Steak?

Originally, flat iron steaks were part of the blade roast’s top section. In the middle of the blade roast is a hard connective tissue; it is from this that flat iron steaks are born.

During the butchering process, the bottom section of the steak is made into a flat iron steak, while the remainder is a top blade steak.

Its appearance resembles the traditional metal flat iron, for which the meat received its name. An even thickness and rectangular shape characterize the flat iron steak. Tender, flavorful marbling adds to the taste and texture. The steak is suitable for many different recipes.

The Taste Of A Flat Iron Steak

Steaks like flat iron steak, or top chuck steak, have marbling to give them a rich, beefy taste. With ingredients such as herbs and black pepper, you can add extra flavor to the beef cut by marinating it.

This marinated steak will be mouthwatering, flavorful, and juicy for a hearty appetite, no matter what marinade you choose. The marinades that we show you are good examples of what you can cook with, because they will improve the taste of your steak when you taste it.

Where To Purchase Flat Iron Steaks

You need to think about your options available to you before you purchase the best flat iron steak to cook with. We have compiled a couple of our favorite places you really need to be getting your steak from the next time you decide to cook it. 

Holy Grail Steak is one of the best places you need to be purchasing your steak from. A number of ranches and farms partner up with them because of their passion and meticulous attention to detail for raising cattle.

We agree. They use only the best cuts of meat on their website and you can order online whenever you want. You can get everything from luxury wagyu flat iron to grass-fed prime cut flat iron steaks.

Another option that we recommend would be using Amazon Fresh, since they offer top quality steaks at very affordable prices while still delivering the flavor you expect from the more expensive top cut steaks. If you have never ordered food from Amazon before, you might want to consider it as an option now.

Lastly, if your butcher is staring indifferently at you when you ask for a flat iron steak, it may be that the name or the cut hasn’t caught on in your area.

You can ask for a top blade steak if you’re not successful requesting a flat iron steak. Make every effort to locate one and taste it if it is still unavailable. It might be the steak of your dreams.

How To Store Flat Iron Steaks

Flat iron steaks tend not to last too long in the refrigerator, so plan to cook them within three to five days of purchasing them. Be sure to wrap it well in the packaging without adding too much air.

Keeping the food for later use requires removing from the store packaging and resealing it in a freezer bag or butcher paper, sucking out any excess air. You can keep the steak for three to six months if you do this.

How to Cook Flat Iron Steak

Several hours before cooking, season your steak with spices. Rub your favorite spices onto the meat about 2-4 hours before grilling it for the best results.

Any dry spice mix that you prefer, like garlic powder, oregano, or cumin, can be used. A few pinches of each spice should be combined in a small bowl, and the mixture should be blended together.

How to Cook Flat Iron Steak

Once your steaks have been spiced, rub them with clean hands and let them rest in the fridge until you’re ready to grill them. It is of course possible to simply add a few pinches of sea salt if you wish as your seasoning.

Many grocery stores and online retailers sell ready-made spice mixes for steak. In cases where you aren’t sure what to use, these are a good option.

After that, marinate your steaks in the sauce for at least an hour. Your steaks will be flavorful and juicy if you marinate them. Spices can be combined with oil, vinegar, and any other ingredients you like.

Everything has to be mixed together in a large bowl or plastic bag. If you are using a pre-made marinade, you can buy it at any grocery store. You can marinate your steak for at least one hour, or up to 12 hours.

Let the steaks rest at room temperature for an hour before cooking. Make sure that the steaks are kept somewhere away from children and pets in your kitchen.

Grilling cold meat on a hot grill can cause the meat to tear. The flat iron steaks can get too warm and become dangerous to eat if left out for more than one hour.

Prepare your grill for cooking by preheating it to about 600 °F. If you’re cooking steaks on a charcoal or gas grill, fire it up several minutes before you plan to cook them.

You’ll get a nice sear on the meat as the grill has time to get hot. Modern grills often come with thermometers, which can be very helpful. Even without one, you can still grill.

Just let the grill heat up for a bit before you start cooking. Don’t forget tongs for flipping the steaks, extra seasoning, if you wish to add it during cooking, and a clean plate for serving the steak.

Depending on your preference, you should grill the steak for two to five minutes on each side. Cook the steaks on the grill until done, about two minutes per side.

Whichever side you use first is not important. About 2 minutes per side is the recommended cooking time to get medium rare steaks. About 3-4 minutes is the recommended cooking time for medium steaks.

About five to six minutes per side is sufficient for well-done steaks. Make sure the steak is at the temperature you prefer using a meat thermometer. A medium-rare steak should be about 130°F, a medium steak 140°F and a well-done steak 160°F.

For the juices to redistribute, let the meat rest for 5 minutes. On a cutting board, let the steaks rest for about five minutes after they come off the grill.

A delicious, juicy steak will result from the juices settling throughout the steak. If you cut into your steak too soon, you might dry it out. Set a timer.

Keep the steak tender by cutting against the grain with a sharp knife. Let the steaks rest for 5 minutes before serving. Across a piece of meat, the muscle fibers are aligned in accordance with the grain.

A flat iron steak has a vertical line of muscle fibers. Rather than following the grain, cut them across horizontally in this case. You won’t end up with stringy steaks.

It is typical to slice flat iron steaks thinly when serving, but you may prefer to leave them whole. To store leftovers in the fridge for three to five days, place them in an airtight container.


As a result of reading this guide thoroughly, you should now understand what a flat iron steak is, and you should also know how to grill it according to the best method.

Even if you have never used a flat iron steak in the past, you will undoubtedly be considering it now because of the various options you have at your disposal.

Think about all the different marinades you might use when you cook your steak, and how delicious it will be with all the different flavors you’re going to get.

We have provided you with a list of a couple of places where you can try to purchase your flat iron steak and hopefully you will be able to cook it exactly as we have described.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Flat Iron Steak Good For You?

Protein and zinc are high in flat iron steak, as they are in most cuts of beef. Approximately 23 grams of protein and half of the recommended daily amount of zinc are present in a 3-ounce serving. In addition, it provides 15 percent of the recommended daily iron intake.

Is Flat Iron Steak Good?

Grilling this steak really brings out the rich flavor of the meat due to the high heat and short cooking time. A flat iron steak is very similar to any flat steak, so you will be able to use it in any recipe calling for skirt or flank steak.

A steak that has a nice amount of marbling is tender and is full of flavor as a result of the thick layers of marbling.

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17 Tasty BBQ Appetizer Ideas Mon, 16 May 2022 14:11:27 +0000 It can be quite challenging to host a barbecue, but it can […]

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It can be quite challenging to host a barbecue, but it can also be an exciting experience, especially during the summer and if you are cooking for many people at the same time.

It seems like there are so many different things that you can throw on a barbecue nowadays that it’s gotten to the point where it’s difficult to choose just one to cook, and this can cause stress to you.

You probably want to come up with some fresh new ideas that people haven’t tried before in order to stay ahead of the competition, does that sound right?

I can assure you that you have come to the right place, as we have put together a list of some of the best BBQ appetizers that you can serve before the main course. By the end of this you will never run out of options on what to serve!

Our Favorite Appetizer Ideas For BBQ Cookouts

Southern Appetizers with Barbecue and Cheese Grits 

Are you planning a southern-themed event? Cheese grits topped with a smoky taste of barbecue pork will be a big hit with the party guests.

There is a small amount of cheese grits on top of a generous amount of BBQ pork and they are served in pretty glasses. The thing about this is you can top it off with extra flavors from caramel sauce or a fruity spread that really balances out the flavors for a great tasting appetizer. 

Grilled Stuffed Jalapeño Chiles with Grilled Red Pepper-Tomato Sauce

The dish is spicy and bursting with flavor, and if you like cheese, it is perfect for you. These yummy cooked chiles are stuffed with cheese and covered in a spicy sauce that compliments each other so well that it makes a delicious light dish to have as a first course.

There will always be some fussy eaters at your barbecue, so make sure to check first that everyone will be able to handle a bit of spice!

Grilled Shrimp With Garlic Butter Dipping Sauce Recipe 

An easy butter dipping sauce is the perfect accompaniment to grilled garlic shrimp. You’ll have the shrimp prepared in no time at all, and the marinade is perfect for cutting through the shrimp’s tough skin.

In this dip, you’ll find hot sauce, garlic, lemon, and a touch of Worcestershire sauce. Guests will never have tried something like this before, and it makes a brilliant appetizer.

Spicy Brown Sugar Bacon Wrapped Lil’ Smokies

Ensure your bbq party gets off to a great start. It’s sure to satisfy your guests until the main courses are served with these spicy brown sugar bacon-wrapped smokies.

Crispy bacon and chewy sausage come together in these meaty treats. In addition, you have the sweet brown sugar and the spicy chili powder working their magic. Combined with brown sugar and spices, it’s a sweet and feisty treat!

Balsamic Honey Pulled Pork Sliders

These pulled pork sliders are some of the most tender and delicious appetizers you will ever taste! You hold magic in your hands when you have pulled pork and coleslaw between buttery buns.

There is nothing like these sliders for a hearty meal. As they provide everyone with the meaty goodness desired by all, the little sliders are a wonderful way to prime the taste buds for the main course.

Hawaiian Chicken Kabobs

It’s like biting into a summer party in your mouth! The juicy pineapple, colorful peppers, and savory onion that are featured in these chicken kabobs make these kabobs a wonderful choice for summer barbecues. If you want to present them in an exotic and very cool way, you can serve them out of a pineapple shell.

Furthermore, adding some grilled bacon to the mix would not be considered a problem. The meaty dish is a great summertime appetizer that will be enjoyed by all.

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeño Poppers

This BBQ appetizer is a fan favorite – even for those who usually don’t like spicy foods!

The reason for this is that a lot of the kick is taken out when you deseed your jalapeños and add a cream cheese filling to the center before wrapping in savory bacon.

The best part? They’re incredibly easy to assemble and cook. Just make sure your bacon isn’t directly over a flame and you are good to go!

Classic Guacamole And Chips

This is a classic appetizer that is always a hit with everyone and you can never go wrong with it. When making this dish, you need to use only the most ripe avocados.

Guacamole lovers will go crazy for this and even the pickiest guaca snobs will be satisfied. Depending on what kind of chips you choose, you can make your salsa a little bit hotter and it will be gone by the time you get to eat one, we guarantee it!

Cheeseburger Sliders

Cheeseburger sliders are another delicious appetizer that can also be used as a main course as well.

It’s all well and good to have normal cheeseburger sliders, but super cheesy cheeseburger sliders are the best! It is sure to delight your guests with strings of cheese dangling from their lips as they bite into these melty bundles of beef, bacon, and cheese.

Additionally, this recipe takes very little time to prepare and cook, despite the massive amounts of cheese.

If you want to spice up this recipe, a bit of BBQ sauce will do the trick. These little burgers will always be a hit when it comes to BBQ appetizers!

BBQ Meatballs 

A bowl full of steaming hot BBQ meatballs is one of the best things to put in the middle of a table full of noisy people that are debating last night’s football game to make them silent.

We love these and we think you will too! You can serve these appetizers on little sticks and they’re a great way to break up a barbecue with a light bite and a lot of flavor. We highly recommend them to kick things off.

Pigs In a Blanket

It is no secret that pigs in blankets are a crowd pleaser and they are known to everyone. A variety of cheese, refrigerated crescent rolls, and everything bagel spice are all that are needed to make Pigs in a blanket. Easy and fast to make, these lunch and snack party dogs are perfect for any party.

With a buttery, flaky crust that melts in your mouth this will really get the taste buds going! They are also topped with poppy and sesame seeds in addition to melty cheddar cheese.

Grilled Halloumi Cheese and Mushroom Skewers

Most cheeses aren’t like halloumi. Besides the fact that it is able to stand up to high temperatures, it also tastes great, retains some very good grill marks, and has an authentic grilled, smoky flavor.

Haloumi cheese, also known as Cypriot cheese, is one of the most unique cheeses in the Mediterranean. The fact that this cheese has a high melting point means that it can be grilled, baked, or fried without it going mushy.

It is the ideal choice for an appetizer, served with a side of mushrooms to complement the flavors of the cheese, and makes a fantastic first course for a light first meal.

Fried Chicken Wings with Spicy Honey Butter

You will be sure to have a real party when you serve these spicy wings at your barbecue and they will undoubtedly go down a treat as an appetizer.

The taste is amazing because you get the taste of the hot sauce it is marinated in, and the honey butter transforms the taste into something sweet and tasty.

We believe that it will be the best dish to serve up at a barbecue and you need to make sure that it is served to meaty chicken enthusiasts!

If you have the time the day before, it’s worth brining your chicken wings – this will bring out even more flavor on the BBQ!

Grilled Corn On The Cob

It is almost mandatory to have grilled corn on the cob when the weather gets warm.

A bit of smokey char compliments the sweetness and crunch of summer corn, what could be better? In order to prepare corn for your barbecue, we believe this corn recipe is what you need to be following.

The fact is that everyone likes a good piece of corn, which can be eaten as an appetizer or side dish, so you have some options to choose from and that is why having some corn on hand is quite important.

Chili BBQ Chicken Kabobs 

There is something tangy and sweet about these little bites, which have a bit of a kick.

Finger-licking good, you won’t even be able to stop yourself from licking your fingers. There is a perfect balance between spicy and sweet in this recipe, and it is a dish that everyone enjoys.

Prepare these kabobs for your guests and you will be able to win the host of the year award. These skewers are perfect for barbecues and make a great appetizer to serve as part of your barbecue menu.

When you cook these correctly then your guests will be asking you to prepare more of these as the main course in the future and not just as an appetizer!

Tomato, Corn, and Red Cabbage Salad

A delicious symphony of flavors is provided by this no-cook appetizer. With this creamy avocado and fresh raw corn, you’ll get the juiciest, sweetest pop ever.

It doesn’t matter what variety of tomato you use in this recipe, just make sure that you keep them unwashed and at room temperature. In this manner, you will be able to keep your appetizer light and full of flavor while leaving space for the main course and dessert.

Pimento Mac and Cheese Bites

Two comfort food favorites are combined in one package with these little bites of mac and cheese flecked with pimento. The sharp cheddar cheese lends this dish a rich, bold flavor, but don’t be afraid to experiment by swapping out the cayenne peppers for smoked Spanish paprika.

Mac and cheese is always a classic and a crowd pleaser… but this one is a nice twist on a classic mac and cheese to mix things up a little bit at your cookout.


This list is just 16 of the best barbecue appetizer recipes available right now that we believe are the ones that provide the most flavor.

You need to be trying out all of these as soon as possible so you are perfectly prepared for your next barbecue. Each of these recipes is completely different from the rest, and you can even change up the ingredients based on your own preferences.

Before preparing any of these dishes, you should always consider any allergies or dietary restrictions that your guests may have. It might take you a while, but you will eventually find yourself a favorite that you will prepare time and time again.

The post 17 Tasty BBQ Appetizer Ideas appeared first on Own The Grill.

Best Store Bought BBQ Sauces Sat, 14 May 2022 17:45:04 +0000 Is there any sauce better than BBQ sauce? This super versatile sauce […]

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Is there any sauce better than BBQ sauce? This super versatile sauce works well with most foods, no matter how we use it.

Whether we’re smothering our barbecued ribs with it or simply dolloping it on the side of our plate, the sweet, tangy taste is hard to beat.

In an ideal world, most of us would prefer to make our BBQ sauce from scratch, but sadly that isn’t always possible.

This is when we need to pick out the very best BBQ sauces in-store or online. However, with so many wonderful BBQ sauce styles and flavors to choose from, picking the best option can be difficult.

Flavors can range from beautifully sweet and mild, to smoky and hot, making it hard to find the one you need. No need to worry, though, we’re here to help.

To help you find the best store bought BBQ sauce, we’ve done the research and compiled a list of the very best options available. We’ve even included a buyer’s guide to help you decide.

Let’s get started, shall we!


Best Store Bought BBQ Sauces – Our Top 10

Jack Daniel’s Old Original No.7 Barbecue Sauce

The first sauce on our list simply has to be Jack Daniel’s Old Original No.7 Barbecue sauce.

Perfect for anyone wanting an authentic smoky flavor, this barbecue sauce is one of the best when it comes to adding a burst of healthy flavors to our food.

Made from 100% natural ingredients, the original barbecue sauce is quite peppery and full-bodied, so people who like things sweeter might want to check another sauce out.

However, when we tasted this BBQ sauce, we found that the flavors were strong, but not to the point where the sauce drowns out other flavors.

To ensure their sauce is completely authentic, Jack Daniel’s makes the sauce with an old-time method known as the kettle-cooking process. This guarantees only the highest-quality, authentic taste that you’ll never grow tired of.

Personally, we like to use this sauce when grilling meat. Whether it be making delicious barbecue chicken or slowly cooking a juicy rack of ribs, the original no.7 barbecue sauce won’t let you down.


  • Authentic flavors – This BBQ sauce unleashes all those smoky authentic BBQ sauce flavors.
  • Affordable – The original no.7 sauce is sold at a very fair price.
  • Delicious – Above all else, this sauce is absolutely delicious.


  • Not very sweet – Those of you who like sweeter sauces might not like this one.

Rufus Teague Touch O’ Heat BBQ Sauce

When it comes to everything that makes a BBQ sauce great, Rufus Teague’s Touch O’ Heat BBQ Sauce has it all. It has a slight hint of smokiness, a lovely sweet flavor, a delicate heat, and a wonderfully thick consistency.

Despite having a bit of heat and a hint of smokiness, this sauce offers just the right amount without becoming overpowering.

As a result, the sauce goes well with virtually everything. Whether you want a BBQ sauce for your pulled pork and chicken, or just want a sauce to dip your fries in, the Touch O’ Heat BBQ Sauce is ideal.

Considered to be a genuine Kansas City barbecue sauce, Rufus Teague has ensured only the best ingredients go into making every bottle.

Made from natural ingredients, the sauce is devoid of high fructose corn syrup and any additives.

When we took a closer look at this BBQ sauce, it wasn’t only the gorgeous flavors that pleased us. We also loved the bottle the sauce came in.

Interestingly, this BBQ sauce comes in a whiskey bottle. This gives the bottle of sauce a much more premium feel.


  • A beautiful balance of flavors – This sauce perfectly combines heat, sweetness, and smokiness.
  • Natural – The Touch O’ Heat BBQ Sauce is made from completely natural ingredients.
  • Gluten-free – This sauce is also gluten-free.


  • Quite thick – Some may find this sauce a little too thick.

Bull’s-Eye Original BBQ Sauce

The next sauce on our list is one of the best BBQ sauces you can choose if you want something relatively simple that doesn’t stir things up too much.

Offering a good balance of spiciness, sweetness, smokiness, and thickness, this is the type of BBQ sauce that the whole family will enjoy.

There are no overpowering flavors, and the sauce can be used on anything you see fit. Aside from this, the sauce’s biggest selling point is how affordable it is.

Compared to other BBQ sauces available in-store, Bull’s-Eye’s original sauce is much cheaper. In fact, you could buy two or three bottles of this sauce for the same price as one bottle of some sauces.

When we took a closer look at the Bull’s-Eye Original BBQ Sauce, we were generally pleased with it as a whole. The taste is great, and it has enough body to cling and soak into anything you baste with it. It’s great for brisket and other traditional BBQ.

The only downside with the sauce is that it is a bit heavier when it comes to high fructose corn syrup.


  • Simple, yet tasty – This sauce offers great flavors in a simple sauce.
  • Great family choice – The Original BBQ Sauce is one everyone will enjoy.
  • Great value for money – You’ll struggle to find a sauce cheaper than this one.


  • High fructose corn syrup – This sauce is a bit heavier in high fructose corn syrup.

Stubb’s Original BBQ Sauce

Stubb’s Original BBQ Sauce was first created in 1968, the same year in which Stubb opened its first Texas barbecue joint. That joint quickly became a huge hit with BBQ enthusiasts all over the United States.

With so many years in the BBQ sauce business, it’s no surprise to see Stubb’s sauce on our list.

Thanks to their experience and knowledge in the industry, Stubb’s makes an awesome BBQ sauce not too dissimilar to the very first one they made.

The only real difference is that the sauce is now sold in a bottle, which it wasn’t in 1968.

Made from scratch, Stubb’s perfectly blends fresh, natural ingredients to make their sweet and tangy, yet quite simple sauce. The shortlist of ingredients includes tomatoes, molasses, black pepper, and vinegar.

Pairing well with any meat, whether it be a homemade meatloaf or rack of ribs, We are sure your family and friends will appreciate the divine taste of Stubb’s Original BBQ Sauce.

We loved how this sauce isn’t as smoky and hot as other sauces. Instead, Stubb’s has focused on creating a more unique tomatoey BBQ sauce that anyone can enjoy.


  • Original – This sauce doesn’t divert away too far from Stubb’s first 1968 BBQ sauce recipe.
  • Sweet and tangy – The Stubb’s Original BBQ sauce is delightfully sweet and tangy.
  • Simple recipe – This sauce has a short ingredient list consisting of only natural ingredients.


  • Thinner than other sauces – If you’re looking for a thick BBQ sauce, you may have to look elsewhere.

Heinz Carolina Vinegar Style Tangy BBQ Sauce

Next on our list is the Carolina Vinegar Style Tangy BBQ Sauce from Heinz. We all know just how big Heinz is in the sauce industry, so you’re probably not too surprised to see one of their BBQ sauces on our list.

However, for this BBQ sauce, Heinz actually teamed up with Sam Jones, who happens to be the heir to Skylight Inn BBQ in North Carolina.

Together, Heinz and Sam Jones have produced arguably one of the best BBQ sauces on the market.

Made by blending apple cider vinegar with a variety of sweet flavors and spices, this one-of-a-kind tangy Carolina-style BBQ sauce is a great addition to any cookout.

Accompanying most meats well, it must be said that this sauce works best with chicken. So much so, that many users of the sauce believe it is the best BBQ sauce you can possibly buy for marinating or grilling your chicken.

Aside from tasting amazing and working with a wide range of foods, another advantage this sauce has is its bottle.

Unlike other BBQ sauces, this sauce comes in one of Heinz’s iconic squeeze bottles. This makes life a lot easier when trying to add the right amount to your food.


  • Versatile – This sauce goes with just about anything.
  • Great combination of flavors – This Heinz sauce has a wonderful balance of flavors.
  • Tasty – Most importantly, the Heinz Carolina Vinegar sauce tastes great.


  • Vinegar-based – In Carolina tradition, this sauce is quite vinegary which some people might not like.

Cowtown Night Of The Living BBQ Sauce

If it’s a spicy BBQ sauce you’re looking for, the Night Of The Living BBQ Sauce from Cowtown could be your best option.

Bringing a burst of heat to your barbecue, this sauce offers the perfect amount of heat to get your tongue and lips tingling without overpowering your food.

To balance out the heat of the sauce, molasses and sweet sugar are added as well as a hint of smokiness, which only enhances the overall flavor of the sauce more.

This is another BBQ sauce that can be used on almost anything. Having said that, we personally prefer to use this sauce with our barbecued chicken wings.

We find that the heat, sweetness, and smokiness of the sauce give them a delicious flavor that is hard to beat.

The only downside we could find with the sauce is that the tomato paste can sometimes taste a little too strong. However, that doesn’t stop this sauce from being one of, if not the best.

In fact, you don’t just have to take our word for it. This Cowtown BBQ sauce actually won “The Best BBQ Sauce On The Planet” title when judged at the American Royal Barbecue Contest.


  • Packs a punch – This sauce has a great kick of heat.
  • Versatile – The Night Of The Living Sauce goes well with any meat.
  • Not overpowering – The rest of your meal won’t be spoiled by the heat.


  • Strong tomato paste – Some people will find the tomato paste overpowering.

Bone Suckin BBQ Sauce

If you’re really not a fan of heat and simply want a super sweet BBQ sauce, you should take a look at the Bone Suckin BBQ Sauce.

Sweeter than most BBQ sauces on the market, this may even remind you of a sweet and sour sauce instead of BBQ sauce. That’s not a problem, though, as this sweet and sour taste is delicious.

As if the sweet and sour flavors of the sauce weren’t already enough, this sauce also has the added advantage of a hickory smoky flavor.

We love the smoky flavor of this sauce as it is only mild and unlike some smoky flavors, tastes completely natural and chemical-free.

While this sauce tastes great with most foods and meats, it isn’t as thick as other Kansas City BBQ sauces, so it might not stick to ribs as well.

If you want to use the sauce on your ribs though, don’t worry, simply cooking the sauce down in a saucepan for a couple of minutes will thicken it enough. The sauce should then stick to your ribs perfectly.


  • Sweeter – This sauce is ideal for those of you who like it sweet.
  • Mild smoky flavor – Bone Suckin BBQ Sauce also has a pleasant, mild smoky flavor.
  • Readily available – This sauce can be found in most places.


  • Very sweet – If you’re not too keen on sweet sauces, you should probably look elsewhere.

Lillie’s Q Smoky Barbecue Sauce

Based in Chicago, Lillie’’s Q is a barbecue-style restaurant with roots firmly planted in Southern cooking.

Thanks to a huge growth in popularity across Chicago, stores now stock Lillie’s Q barbecue sauce, making it a lot easier to find a bottle locally.

Lillie’s Q Smoky Barbecue Sauce is a Memphis-style BBQ sauce that has a sweet molasses-like taste, complimented nicely with a gorgeous smokiness.

Like all the other BBQ sauces on our list so far, this sauce also works well with virtually anything. However, Lillie’s Q advises customers that their sauce tastes best when smothered over a rack of ribs or smoked chicken.

After testing the sauce out, we are happy to say, Lillie’s Q is completely right. We tried the sauce with our smoked chicken and a slow-cooked rack of ribs and found that it enhanced every flavor.

For us, this sauce is also one of the best sauces when it comes to the whole family enjoying it. Thanks to the well-balanced flavors, the sauce isn’t too hot, too thin, too sweet, or too smoky.


  • Well-balanced – Every flavor compliments each other perfectly.
  • Perfect for ribs and smoked chicken – If you smoke your chicken or regularly cook ribs, this sauce is ideal.
  • One for all – You can use Lillie’s Q BBQ Sauce with anything.


  • Still hard to find sometimes – This sauce is still rising in popularity, so you might still struggle to find it.

Lillie’s Q Gold Barbecue Sauce

Another brilliant BBQ sauce produced by Lillie’s Q is the Gold Barbecue Sauce. Unlike their smoky sauce, this BBQ sauce is a mustard-based condiment that offers a more tangy, sweet flavor.

Inspired by Grandma Lillie, this sauce is much-loved by many BBQ enthusiasts in the South, who love its distinctive flavor.

As well as tasting tangy and sweet, the Gold Barbecue Sauce also has a lovely pinch of spice to it. Together, this sweet, tangy, spicy sauce packs a punch when it comes to enhancing the taste of pork and chicken.

Whether you’re marinating, dipping, or smothering your meat, this sauce will get the job done and impress your entire family.

In our opinion, this sauce might actually be even better than Lillie’s Q Smoky Barbecue Sauce. We believe this because it offers something slightly different and unique from other sauces on the market.

The tangy and sweet flavors along with the spices work perfectly and produce something like nothing else we have tried before.

When we reviewed this BBQ sauce, we also found that it made a great dipping sauce to use when dipping chicken wings. Trust us, licking your fingers when you’ve finished devouring your chicken wings will never be the same again.


  • Lovely flavors – The tangy, sweet, and slightly spicy taste of this sauce is perfect.
  • Versatile – Use this sauce when marinating, smothering, or dipping your food.
  • Unique – This sauce offers something different.


  • Thinner than others – The Gold Barbecue Sauce is thinner than most sauces.

Dinosaur Bar-B-Que Sensuous Slathering Sauce

Another BBQ sauce that isn’t as readily available as others is the Sensuous Slathering Sauce from Dinosaur Bar-B-Que.

A real treat, if you do manage to find it in-store, this sauce not only tastes great, but also has the advantage of being one of the lowest-sugar bottled sauces on the market.

This helps make the sauce a healthy option and also ensures it isn’t too sweet.

You may now be wondering where the sauce gets its sweet taste from. Well, most of the sauce’s sweetness comes from the type of bell pepper used to make the sauce.

In terms of other flavors, the Sensuous Slathering Sauce also has tangy and smoky flavors.

Combined with the sweetness of the bell pepper, this creates a well-balanced, thick sauce that can be enjoyed on most foods, whether it be used as a dip, marinade, or something to smother meats with.

When we took a look at the ingredients used to make this sauce, we were very happy to find that it contained only natural ingredients and contained no fructose corn syrup of any kind.


  • Natural – This BBQ sauce is 100% natural.
  • Flavorful – Dinosaur Bar-B-Que has packed this sauce with flavor.
  • Tasty – We can happily confirm that this sauce tastes great.


  • Hard to find – This BBQ sauce isn’t stocked in as many stores as other sauces on this list.

Buyer’s Guide

Before buying a BBQ sauce, there are a few things you’re going to want to think about. In this buyer’s guide, you will find the most important of these things and why you should take them into consideration.

Type Of BBQ Sauce

One thing you’re really going to want to think about is the type of BBQ sauce you want to buy. All BBQ sauces are different, so you need to know what to expect from each one.

To give you a better understanding, we’ve detailed the main types of BBQ sauce below.

Kansas City Style

Kansas City-style BBQ sauce is the most readily available type of barbecue sauce across the US.

This sauce balances a mix of tomato with sweetness, smoke, and tang to produce a delicious sauce. It is usually reddish-brown in color and goes best with any type of meat, especially ribs.

Memphis Style

Memphis-style BBQ sauce isn’t that different from the Kansas City-styled sauces, apart from the fact it tends to have a sweeter, more rich taste. This richer sweetness is a result of molasses and the addition of vinegar.

Texas Style

Also referred to as “mop sauce”, Texas-style barbecue sauce is made with vinegar and tomato. These types of sauces are usually a lot lighter and contain extra ingredients like black pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and garlic

North Carolina Sauce

North Carolina’s population may not admit it, but North Carolina-style BBQ sauces are essentially an earlier version of more popular Kansas City barbecue sauces.

Typically, this type of BBQ sauce suits individuals who aren’t particularly keen when it comes to heat. These sauces contain less spice and more tomato, leaving us with a sweeter barbecue sauce.


Another important factor to take into consideration when buying BBQ sauce is its texture. The texture of a sauce impacts how successfully it can coat food and how it can be used.

For example, a sauce with a thinner texture won’t coat a rack of ribs very well. The sauce will slide off. Instead, a thicker sauce will do the trick.

You need to think about what you plan on doing with the sauce first. If you only want to use the sauce to dip chicken wings or fries, a thinner option is fine.

On the other hand, if you want to smother meats before grilling or smoking them, a thicker, smoother sauce is needed.


You should always check the label before buying any food product, not just BBQ sauce. Above all else, you should do this just to ensure there’s nothing in the sauce you are allergic to.

Aside from that, by checking the label, we can identify any nasty ingredients and find out how nutritious a sauce is.

In our opinion, if you check a label and find that the sauce isn’t made from natural ingredients, you should look elsewhere. Natural sauces will be healthier for you and probably taste a lot nicer.

You can also check the ingredients if you have any dietary requirements, for example, you may want a gluten-free or organic sauce.


Finally, it is always a good idea to think about what flavors you want to experience from your BBQ sauce. BBQ sauce flavors vary massively, so you need to know what you want in advance.

Some sauces might be smoky and hot, while others are sweet and tangy. Some sauces might even combine everything to offer a hot or mild, smoky, sweet, and tangy sauce.

By knowing what flavors you want in advance, you can rest assured that the sauce you choose will provide you with all the flavors you desire.

There is no worse feeling than picking a sauce before then finding out it is too hot, or not hot enough. Alternatively, the sauce may be too sweet or not sweet enough.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Buy Vegan-Friendly Barbecue Sauce?

Yes, you can buy vegan barbecue sauce. However, there are ingredients in some BBQ sauces that will prevent vegans from being able to eat them.

One of the most common ingredients is honey. Obviously, honey isn’t vegan, so if you see it in the ingredients list, you should steer clear and find another option.

When checking the ingredients, you will probably find that vegan-friendly barbecue sauces contain sweeteners instead of honey.

How Long Can I Keep My Barbecue Sauce?

According to studies, most unopened bottles of barbecue sauce can last for approximately 1 year when kept in a pantry. When the bottle has been opened, this figure drops significantly.

When a bottle of BBQ sauce has been opened, it should be kept in a refrigerator for approximately 4 months. After 4 months, the chances are the sauce won’t be any good.

How Can I Thicken Barbecue Sauce?

Thickening barbecue sauce is actually very easy. In fact, you can thicken barbecue sauce just like you would with other foods. The most popular, and probably the best, option is to reduce the sauce by heating it on a stove.

Putting the sauce in a saucepan and simmering it on low to medium heat will cause excess water to evaporate, thickening the sauce in the process.

Alternatively, you can also use cornstarch or flour with water to thicken the sauce. Simply mix the cornstarch or flour with the water and then add it to the sauce before giving it a good mix.

You should do this gradually to avoid over-thickening the sauce.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, that concludes our article looking at the best store bought BBQ sauces on the market.

BBQ sauce is one of the most versatile condiments available. Whether we’re using it to dip our fries, drizzle brisket tacos or marinate chicken wings, the sweet, tangy, smoky flavors of the sauce are sure to impress.

While nothing truly beats a good homemade BBQ sauce, on this list, we have shown you store bought BBQ sauces that live up to expectations.

While BBQ sauces vary in terms of style and flavors, with some being hot and smoky, and others being mild and sweet, they all serve similar purposes.

Every sauce on our list can be used to enhance the flavors of almost any food without overpowering other flavors.

Now you have our list and buyer’s guide, you can start to narrow down your options until you find the BBQ sauce you want to try most.

You may even want to try a couple of different sauces to see what you like most and how they impact your food.

The post Best Store Bought BBQ Sauces appeared first on Own The Grill.
